
Trash Collection

Trash will be collected twice a week. See Service Schedule tab for collection map to determine the pickup days in your area.

Household trash may be placed in customer-owned cans or disposable bags or boxes. When filled, containers may not weigh more than 50 pounds.

Place all trash items out no later than 7:00 a.m. for pickup between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on your service days. Please ensure the trash containers and the recycle cart are separated by at least three feet, and three feet away from obstacles such as mailboxes, cars, fences, gas meters, and drainage ditches.

Missed Collection? Contact CWD Customer Service within 24 hours at 817.795.9300.

Recycling Services

Recycling will be collected weekly. See Service Schedule tab for collection map to determine the pickup days in your area.

Place recyclables in the blue 65-gallon recycle cart or the green 18-gallon bin. If using the 65-gallon recycle cart, please place the handles facing the street for efficient driver retrieval.

Additional recyclables may be positioned next to the recycle cart in cardboard boxes, biodegradable bags, or blue bags. Place broken down corrugated cardboard next to the bin or cart or under the bin. Put newspapers in paper bags or in bundles and place next to the bin or cart.


An additional 65-gallon cart may be obtained by calling Community Waste Disposal at 817.795.9300.

An additional bin may be obtained by calling the City of Keller Utility Billing Department at 817.743.4060.

Recycling Guidelines

Bulk Collection

Bulk will be collected on your second weekly collection day. Up to 2 cubic yards of bulky waste will be picked up per collection.

See Service Schedule tab for link to collection map to determine the pickup days in your area.

Important! CWD does not provide pickup for commercial demolition, construction, nor remodeling debris. Household debris must be containerized to be eligible for pickup. The box or other disposable container must be no larger than 2′ x 2′ x 4′ and weigh no more than 50 lbs.

Bulk Items – Acceptable

  • Toys and Yard Tools Tagged as “Bulk Item”
  • Furniture
  • Bundled Carpet in 4-foot lengths
  • Fence Panels No Larger than 4′ x 6′
  • Bagged Leaves
  • Washing Machines, Dryers, Water Heaters, and Kitchen Appliances
  • Refrigerators/Freezers (must be tagged certifying removal of refrigerants)

Bulk Items – Prohibited

  • Single Items Weighing More than 150 lbs.
  • Remodeling/Construction Debris
  • Household Hazardous Waste
  • Tires, Batteries, and Propane Tanks
  • Loose Brush
  • Loose Debris (Debris must be placed in a box or other container no larger than 2′ x 2′ x 4′ and weigh no more than 50 lbs.)

Additional Trash and Bulk Items may be dropped off, free of charge, at the CWD Transfer Station, 2010 California Crossing Road, Dallas, TX 75220 the first Saturday of each month, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm, excluding holidays. A copy of your current water bill is required.

Yard Waste Program

Yard waste collection is available twice weekly. If prepared correctly, materials placed curbside on your first service day of the week will be collected by a separate CWD truck and taken to a compost facility. All items collected on your second service day will go to the landfill.

Loose brush in any amount will not be collected. Brush must be tied in bundles of 4 feet or shorter, weighing no more than 50 lbs. Leaves and lawn trimmings must be bagged. Households are limited to 20 bags/bundles per collection day. To keep spillage to a minimum, please ensure the weight of the contents is suitable for the bag/carton it is placed in.

Use biodegradable bags and/or biodegradable cotton/jute rope, twine, or string on your first service day to send materials to the compost facility. Do not bundle tree and brush trimmings with nylon rope, plastic, metal, garden hoses, or other non-compostable materials.

Use plastic bags to send materials to the landfill.

The following images demonstrate proper placement requirements:

Tied and Bundled Brush

Yard Waste in Biodegradable Bags

Yard Waste Collection

Seasonal Leaf Collection

Keller has a lot of trees, and that means a lot of leaves! To better accommodate residents, CWD offers a special leaf collection program several Saturdays each fall/winter to help manage the high volume of leaves. Specific dates are determined annually.

To sign up for your special pickup, visit the Fall Leaf Special Collections page on the City of Keller website, and follow the directions in the “How to Participate” section.

Seasonal Leaf Collection is for leaves in plastic bags and will go to the landfill. If you prefer that your leaves go to a Living Earth facility, please follow the normal yard waste program.

Please have your bagged leaves at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on your scheduled pickup day. To keep spillage to a minimum, please ensure the weight of the contents is suitable for the bag it is placed in.

Please DO NOT put loose leaves in trash cans or carts. Leaves must be bagged.

Household Hazardous Waste & Used Electronics Door-side Collection

CWD’s Door-side Collection program encourages safe, easy, and responsible disposal of approved hazardous waste and used electronics. This service is provided for Keller residents up to once a month, and is included in your regular monthly trash and recycling charge. Items accepted via the HHW & Used Electronics Door-side Collection program are listed here.

How to Prepare for your HHW & Used Electronics Collection

  1. Call CWD at 817.795.9300 at least two weeks in advance, and request Door-side Collection service.
  2. CWD will mail you a collection kit.
  3. Assemble your HHW according to the instructions provided.
  4. Place your HHW at your doorstep, where CWD will pick it up.

Bags must be placed near your entrance door, garage, or another area IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME. Do NOT place HHW curbside. Please ensure your HHW is visible from the street.

  • Do not overfill the bag.
  • Only the bag provided to you may be used.
  • Bag must be closed securely.
  • Items outside the bag must be placed in a cardboard box.
  • Do not drag the bag.
  • Pack the bag where it will be placed for collection and place all electronics, auto batteries and fluorescent tubes outside the bag.
  • Wrap multiple fluorescent tubes together with tape. If available, use the original packaging to hold the tubes and stand them up to prevent breakage.
  • Do not fill with pool chemicals as this can start a fire.

Door-side HHW & Used Electronics Collection Schedule

Refer to the 2025 Keller HHW Collection Schedule for specific dates. Download it or print it for later reference.


Make your recycling cart look like new! Our state-of-the-art pressure washing process will have your recycling cart clean and germ-free inside and out. Our system is environmentally friendly and kills more than 99.9% of germs, fungi and viruses.

The Process

STEP ONE: Call CWD so that you can be added to the CartWash schedule.

STEP TWO: Prior to your scheduled CartWash, remove any recyclables from your cart and place your empty cart at the curb.

STEP THREE: Upon arrival, CartWash personnel will take the empty cart to the rear of the CartWash cleaning truck. A hydraulic lifting mechanism will lift the container, placing it over a specially designed pressure washing machine. The pressure head rotates at high speed in all directions and effectively blasts any debris inside the container. The Hydro-Chem system heats the water to more than 200 degrees, which is then captured inside the truck so that it does not go down your drains. The outside of your cart will simultaneously be pressure washed by a CartWash employee.

STEP FOUR: After the cart cleaning process, the hydraulic lift returns the container back to the location from where it was picked up. The cart will then be fresh, clean, and ready for future use.

The Benefits

CartWash uses a hypoallergenic solution that has a naturally pleasant scent and does not employ chemical fragrances. Our mobile units are environmentally friendly and employ practices that do not leave debris nor runoff water behind.

Frequent cleaning of your recycling cart will reduce the risk of infection and hazards from viruses such as E-Coli, Salmonella and Listeria. Our all-natural solvents kill 99.9% of germs and fungi, as well as viruses.

Our self-contained cleaning system complies with all EPA regulations and is environmentally friendly.


As a Keller resident, you qualify for up to five free cart washes through August 31, 2025! Please call 817-795-9300 to schedule a wash for your CWD 65- or 95-gallon recycle cart!

Commercial Services

For Commercial and Industrial Customers we have several equipment options: Front load containers in 4-, 6-, or 8-yard sizes, open top roll-off cans for both temporary or permanent service and Compactors in 30-, 35-, or 40-yard sizes.

Front load containers are serviced on set schedules from 1 to 6 days per week. Open tops and compactors can be serviced on set schedules or on an “on call” basis. We require a 24 hour notice for “on-call” services.

For service, contact CWD’s customer service by email or call 817.795.9300.

dock loading noshadow

Service Schedule

Our online address search tool will assist you! Click on View My Schedule from the menu bar above. Type in your residential service address to view your schedule.

Trash is serviced twice weekly on Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday.
Recycle is serviced weekly. See service map for pickup days.
Bulky Waste is serviced on your SECOND weekly collection day.
Yard Waste Recycling is available on your FIRST weekly collection day. Yard waste not in biodegradable bags and brush that is not bundled will be picked up with the trash as long as it falls within the acceptable waste parameters.
Seasonal Leaf Collection is available on specific dates in the fall. Collection dates are determined annually.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Used Electronics Door-side Collection is available once a month for Keller residents. Please call at least 10 days prior to a designated collection day to allow for processing and mailing of the collection kit. The 2025 Keller HHW Collection Schedule highlights Door-side Collection dates.

Route Map

Please see the map below to determine your service area. For a closer look at the City of Keller street map, visit the Public Works Department’s interactive map.

Click here for the Trash and Bulk Service Map.

Click here for the Recycling Map.

Click here for the Yard Waste Map.


The Keller Residential Services Brochure is available to browse online or to download.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q   How do I get a special pickup for extra items or non-compliant items?
A   Call CWD Customer Service at 817.795.9300, and request an estimate for a special pickup.

Q   Am I able to get an extra 65-gallon recycle cart?
A   Yes! Please contact CWD Customer Service at 817.795.9300, and a Customer Service Representative will assist you.

Q   How can I get an extra recycle bin?
A   Contact the City of Keller Utility Billing Department at 817.743.4060.

Q   How can I dispose of household hazardous waste?
A   Keller residents are eligible to take part in CWD’s Door-side Collection program. This program encourages safe, easy, and responsible disposal of HHW and used electronics. For questions or to schedule a Door-side Collection pickup, please call your CWD Customer Service line at 817.795.9300.

Q   My neighbor got their CWD recycling cart pressure washed. How do I sign up?
A   Keller residents qualify for up to five free cart washes through August 31, 2025! Please call 817.795.9300 to schedule!