Trash Collection

Trash will be collected once a week. See Service Schedule tab for collection map to determine the pickup day for your area.

To help protect our employees, we strongly encourage that ALL TRASH BE PLACED IN BAGS inside the grey 95-gallon trash cart.

Place CWD trash carts out no later than 7:00 a.m. on your service day for pickup between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Please ensure the trash cart and the recycle cart are separated by at least three feet, and three feet away from obstacles such as mailboxes, fences, gas meters, and drainage ditches. Position the cart with wheels toward the residence, ensuring there is a 16-foot clearance above the cart.

ASL Guidelines

Trash is serviced by Automated Side Load (ASL) trucks. ASL trucks must have adequate space in the street or alleyway for the truck to line up to a cart and allow for the truck’s arm and claw to extend to retrieve the cart. In order to protect your property, the driver will not service your cart(s) if vehicles or other obstacles are positioned too close to the cart(s).  Important: please allow a 16′ vertical clearance to ensure there is no damage to property and carts can be serviced.

Missed Collection? Contact CWD Customer Service within 24 hours at 972.392.9300, Option 2.

Recycling Services

Recycling will be collected once a week, on the same day as your trash pickup.

All recyclables MUST BE PLACED LOOSELY inside the blue 95-gallon recycle cart. PLEASE DO NOT BAG RECYCLABLES!

Place all recyclable items out no later than 7:00 a.m. on your service day for pickup between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Please ensure the recycle cart and the trash cart are separated by at least three feet, and three feet away from obstacles such as mailboxes, fences, gas meters, and drainage ditches. Position the cart with wheels toward the residence, ensuring there is a 16-foot clearance above the cart. Overloaded carts will not be serviced.

ASL Guidelines

Recycling is serviced by Automated Side Load (ASL) trucks. ASL trucks must have adequate space in the street or alleyway for the truck to line up to a cart and allow for the truck’s arm and claw to extend to retrieve the cart. In order to protect your property, the driver will not service your cart(s) if vehicles or other obstacles are positioned too close to the cart(s). Important: please allow a 16′ vertical clearance to ensure there is no damage to property and carts can be serviced.

Recycling Guidelines

Bulky Waste & Brush

Bulk and brush will be collected once a month, according to this schedule, beginning with the Friday that falls in the first full week of each month


You are limited to four cubic yards of bulky waste per collection.

ALL BRUSH MUST BE TIED AND BUNDLED. Bundled brush cannot exceed four by two feet nor weigh more than 40 pounds per bundle. There is no limit to the number of bundles you may put out.


Important! CWD does not provide pickup for commercial demolition, construction, nor remodeling debris. Household debris must be containerized to be eligible for pickup. The box or other disposable container must be no larger than 2′ x 2′ x 4′ and weigh no more than 50 pounds.

Place all bulk and bundled brush items at your front curb no later than 7:00 a.m. on your designated collection day.

Bulky Waste – Acceptable

  • Toys and Yard Tools Tagged as “Bulk Item”
  • Furniture
  • Bundled Carpet in 4-Foot Lengths
  • Fence Panels No Larger than 4′ x 6′
  • Bagged Leaves
  • Washing Machines, Dryers, Water Heaters (drained) and Kitchen Appliances
  • Refrigerators/Freezers (must be tagged certifying removal of refrigerant)

Bulky Waste – Prohibited

  • Single Items Weighing More than 150 Pounds
  • Commercial Remodeling/Construction Debris
  • Household Hazardous Waste (includes paint, aerosols, motor oil, etc.)
  • Tires, Batteries, and Propane Tanks
  • Household Trash
  • Loose Brush
  • Loose Household Debris (Debris must be placed in a box or other disposable container no larger than 2′ x 2′ x 4′ and weighing no more than 50 pounds.)


Household Hazardous Waste & Used Electronics Door-side Collection

CWD’s Door-side Collection program encourages safe, easy, and responsible disposal of approved hazardous waste and used electronics. This service is provided for City of Melissa residents up to once a month, and is included in your regular monthly trash and recycling charge.

Items accepted via the HHW & Used Electronics Door-side Collection program include poison, solvent, oil-based and latex paint, aerosols, used motor oil, auto batteries, fluorescent tubes, and flat screen televisions (no Cathode Ray Tubes).

How to Prepare for your HHW & Used Electronics Collection

  1. Call CWD at 972.392.9300/Option 2, at least two weeks in advance, and request Door-side Collection service.
  2. CWD will mail you a collection kit.
  3. Assemble your HHW according to the instructions provided.
  4. Place your HHW at your doorstep, where CWD will pick it up.

Bags must be placed near your entrance door, garage, or another area IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME. Do NOT place HHW curbside. Please ensure your HHW is visible from the street.

  • Do not overfill the bag.
  • Only the bag provided to you may be used.
  • Bag must be closed securely.
  • Items outside the bag must be placed in a cardboard box.
  • Do not drag the bag.
  • Pack the bag where it will be placed for collection and place all electronics, auto batteries and fluorescent tubes outside the bag.
  • Wrap multiple fluorescent tubes together with tape. If available, use the original packaging to hold the tubes and stand them up to prevent breakage.
  • Do not fill with pool chemicals as this can start a fire.

Door-side HHW and Used Electronics & Special Collection Days Schedule

Easily view the 2025 Melissa HHW Collection Schedule here. Download the schedule or print it for later reference.

Service Schedule

Our online address search tool will assist you! Click on View My Schedule from the menu bar above. Type in your residential service address to view your schedule.

Trash is serviced weekly.
Recycling is serviced weekly.
Bulky Waste and Brush are serviced once a month, beginning on the Friday that falls in the first full week of each month, according to this schedule:

HHW & Used Electronics Door-side Collection Schedule

Refer to the 2025 Melissa HHW Collection Schedule for specific dates. Download it or print it for later reference.

Bulk & Brush Schedule

Refer to the 2025 Melissa Bulk Collection Schedule for specific dates. Download it or print it for later reference.

Route Map


To read more about trash and recycling services in the City of Melissa, or to print the information to have at your fingertips, please refer to the Melissa Residential Services Brochure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q     How do I get my trash cart replaced if it is damaged or has normal wear and tear? Does it cost anything?
A     Please call CWD at 972.392.9300/Option 2. There is no cost for a replacement unless the damage was caused by fire.

Q     How do I get a special pickup for extra items or non-compliant items?
A     Call CWD Customer Service at 972.392.9300/Option 2, and request an estimate for a special pickup. Estimates are free.

Q     Is it possible to get an extra trash and/or recycle cart? What do they cost?
A     Absolutely! Contact the City of Melissa Utility Billing Department at 972.838.2035 to request an extra trash or recycling cart.

Q     What do I do with my old Waste Connections carts?
A     Old carts will be removed on September 30 and October 1. If your carts are not removed on those dates, contact CWD at 972.392.9300/Option 2 and leave the carts at the curb. CARTS MUST BE EMPTY IN ORDER TO BE REMOVED.